Poker Tracker

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An honest review of the best free Poker HUDs and tracking software on the market. A poker HUD is an essential tool in modern online poker. Allowing users’ to keep track of the action and stats of opponents with little effort when playing multiple table, a Heads Up Display can help identify your opponents’ at a glance. The best HUD for poker in 2020 is PokerTracker 4. It has the best backend filters that allow you to keep track of your game and your opponents’ strategies. HoldemManager and Hand2Note are two other excellent HUDs that you can use to study and improve your online and live games. With the Poker Stats Tracker, you can: - Track your online and live poker results - View charts, graphs, and stats for tournaments and cash games.

PokerTracker is a poker program that tracks your play and records every single hand you play. PokerTracker then combines all those hands to give you detailed statistics about your game and your opponents’ games. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though; PokerTracker is packed full of features that make it a must-have for serious poker players.

I’m not one to get excited over digital products (most of them are a rip-off) but PokerTracker is one that I have personally used for years. In fact, almost every winning poker player I have ever met uses PokerTracker extensively. The information it provides is absolutely pure gold.

PokerTracker works with a wide variety of poker sites and for both ring games and tournaments. It is compatible with most poker sites and it can even combine your statistics from multiple sites. There are three different versions of PokerTracker. One works with Texas Hold'em, one works with Omaha and one works with Seven Card Stud.

PokerTracker Statistics

Poker tracker forums

Every hand you play and every hand you observe at the tables is automatically recorded by Poker Tracker and stored in a database on your computer. From that database, PokerTracker gathers a huge range of statistics that will tell you everything you could ever want to know about your game and the playing styles of your opponents.

For example, PokerTracker can tell you how much money you have won/lost with every hand. Wonder if you’re making money with ATo? Just fire up PokerTracker and find out. You can even find out the difference in earnings when playing ATo in early position vs. late position. And that’s just one hand. Are you starting to see the possibilities?

You can find out how often you raise and 3-bet before the flop, how often each of your opponents do the same and how often you all call raises. PokerTracker also tells you your win rate, your lifetime winnings and how much rake you pay. This program provides what seems like a limitless amount of information.

Those are just a few examples to give you an idea of how powerful PokerTracker is. There are thousands of things you can do with this program. You can even sort your statistics and compare trends to find out what makes money and what doesn’t.

Heads-Up Display

Not only does PokerTracker help you review your game after the fact, but it also provides real time support through its built-in HUD. The HUD displays the statistics of each player at the table. The most important statistics (namely the % of hands played and preflop raise %) are displayed above their heads in a small, unobtrusive box. You can click on that box at any time to get a full readout of that player’s statistics.

The HUD works by using your database to display all known information regarding that player. If you don’t have any history with that player, PokerTracker will wait until you observe a few hands with that player and start displaying what it knows. It also explains how many hands you have logged against that player so that you can tell how accurate the stats are.


PokerTracker also has an optional, subscription feature that finds the best tables for you. A central system collects information at every compatible site and finds the best tables based on how loose the players are and the size of the average pot. This is great for finding the weakest tables across multiple poker sites. If you want to maximize your time at the tables, this feature is extremely useful.

Final Verdict

I am a huge fan of PokerTracker so consider it highly recommended. This program is awesome and is worth every single penny. You’ll save enough money in your first session alone to pay for this program. Not only does it provide tons of useful information, but it will help you think about the game in ways you never imagined.

Purchase PokerTracker

If you are ready to buy PokerTracker, here are the options for getting the software:

PokerTracker Hold'em Full Version

The full, unlimited version of PokerTracker costs a flat $89.99. This version of poker tracker works with all stakes and has no limitations on its use. The registration is valid for two computers at a time.

PokerTracker Hold'em Micro Stakes

If you’re a small stakes player and want to give PokerTracker a try, you can purchase this version for $44.99. This version comes with all features available except it only works with small stakes games up to the following limits:

  • $0.10/$0.25 No Limit
  • $11.00 Tournaments
  • $0.25/$0.50 Fixed Limit

You can upgrade to the full version at any time for $49.99.

PokerTracker Omaha & Stud

PokerTracker for Omaha and Stud can be purchased for $55 each. If you already own a different version of PokerTracker, you’ll get $10 off your order.


There are several registration options for TableTracker depending on what stakes you play and how money months you pay for in advance. The price ranges from $9.99 per month up to $34.99 a month. A subscription to TableTracker easily pays for itself by finding the softest tables every time you play.

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Video Software Review

FreePokerDB (FPDB) Synopsis

If you are one of the many online poker players not using a Heads-Up Display (HUD), then you are quickly dipping into the minority. Unfortunately, the reason that many players do not have an HUD or track their hand histories is because they simply can't justify spending the $65 to $150 it takes to buy a program like Holdem Manager or PokerTracker. Now, through the help of a lone programmer, an open-source program called the FreePokerDB has made its way across the internet and allows a user to track critical stats, winnings, and losses and even have an on-table HUD, all for free.

FreePokerDB (FPDB) Full Review

First, it should be noted that installation of the FreePokerDB isn't something that is going to be accomplished through an easy double-clicking experience. Again, this is an open-source, free program, so you will have to put some extra effort into setting it up. You'll need to download MySQL (free) and install that first. Then, you'll have to download the special installer file and after it's done, reboot your computer. You'll unzip the FreePoker Database files to your computer and run the program. Chances are you're still not done, as you'll probably have to create the database manually in a MySQL editor. Once you've finished that, you’ll need to get into the program and create tables for it.
By then, you will breathe a sigh of relief, as you have accomplished the setup process. In order to get the graphing feature to work, you'll need to download two small programs, install them, and then restart the application. Past that, much of the program runs itself. The auto-import feature only requires the user to enter the folder where hand histories are saved for PokerStars, for example.
For now, much of the program is in development (marked “todo” within the program's menu), but you’ll find a straightforward stats program and functional Heads-Up Display (HUD). The 'Bulk Import' option allows a user to import hand history files en masse and get them into the database in fairly quick order. Once that's done, you can check out the stats from within the 'Viewers' dropdown menu. The 'Player Stats Tabulated View' brings up stats sorted by buy-in level and gives a bevy of standard statistics like VPIP, PFR, BB/100, and more. There is no way to customize the report at this time.
The HUD is overlaid on your poker table, but requires you to move it around in order for it to appear next to the appropriate villain at the table. There are six stats in the HUD by default and some ability to tweak these in the HUD's XML configuration file exists. The number of stats available is limited at this time, but as development moves forward on this open-source project, more should be created in later versions. As it stands now, the HUD is legible, functional, and exactly what you would expect from a freeware program. Here is a view of the HUD:

FPDB also has a very nice 'Table Viewer' tab that will allow you to check out just about every statistic you can imagine on your opponents. The list is laid out in an easy-to-read format, so at a quick glance, you will be able to find out how many hands a player has in the database and how passive or aggressive they are. You can then use this information against your opponent. The Table Viewer looks like this:

Unlike its paid competitors, FreePokerDB supports less frequently played games online including Stud and Draw. While it also supports Hold'em and Omaha, this is an ideal piece of software if you like to play many different forms of poker.
The FreePokerDB v0.22 program is a fantastic way for a micro-stakes player to get into the world of hand history tracking and take advantage of an HUD at absolutely no cost. If one has the patience to overcome the lengthy installation and debugging process, the reward is a functional program that can save users a nice chunk of change over rival programs like Holdem Manager and PokerTracker.

Member Reviews

matheuspaterno's Review of FreePokerDB (FPDB)

July, 21, 2016

Poker Tracker 5


I have a question, I have been using fpdb on betonline for a long time. But, they updated the system and now the hands are saved in an online database, it is not saved n my hard drive anymore. Is there a way I can still make fpdb work? Thanks!

ricadoforti's Review of FreePokerDB (FPDB)

Poker Tracker 3

November, 18, 2015

Poker Tracker 4 Price

By then, you will breathe a sigh of relief, as you have accomplished the setup process. In order to get the graphing feature to work, you'll need to download two small programs, install them, and then restart the application. What programs??? please.