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Showing: “ keno ” news. No news for “ keno ” Latest story: keno, retail. West Lakes woman ‘as still as a statue’ after $50,000 Keno Spot 8 win shock. Fire causes damage at home in north San Antonio Local News West side hit hard by pandemic, but data shows few residents have received the vaccine Coronavirus Nation World.
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Scroll down for more results of the January 23rd auction.
Our Saturday, January 23rd
“Americana and Estates Auction”
Was a Big Success. Scroll down for results.
Gilbert Stuart (American 1755-1828)

Purchased in 1817 by Israel Kinsman, a Philadelphia merchant, and hung in his residence at 359 Arch Street, Philadelphia PA. To his daughter Louise and from her to her nephew. It remained in the Kinsman family for approximately 100 years. In 1920 the painting was owned and exhibited by the Ralston Galleries.
Oil on canvas. 30 ½ x 25 ½ in.
SOLD for $356,250.00
Our Saturday, January 23rd
“Americana and Estates Auction”
Was a Big Success. Scroll down for results.

Gilbert Stuart (American 1755-1828)
Purchased in 1817 by Israel Kinsman, a Philadelphia merchant, and hung in his residence at 359 Arch Street, Philadelphia PA. To his daughter Louise and from her to her nephew. It remained in the Kinsman family for approximately 100 years. In 1920 the painting was owned and exhibited by the Ralston Galleries.
Oil on canvas. 30 ½ x 25 ½ in.
SOLD for $356,250.00
Accepting Consignments
Spring Auction
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Flambe Glazed Meiping with Qianlong mark $21,250.00
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Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) Portrait of Washington $356,250.00
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William L. Hawkins (1895-1990) Frankenstein $41,600.00